Royal Docks Communities Voice is a space for people who live, work and/or volunteer in London’s Royal Docks. It's a forum that aims to promote and improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing for all communities, residents, workers and businesses of the Royal Docks. As a network, RDCV seeks to encourage, empower and enable the involvement of local people in shaping where they live, to have a strong voice in decisions about the many active plans for development and investment into the area.
RDCV’s aims are to:
Promote sustainability, economic growth and social wellbeing
Improve local skills and opportunities for employment
Increase social and affordable housing
Promote distinctive, healthy, safe and sustainable environment
Encourage community cohesion
Support local businesses, organisations and market traders
Develop places for all creative communities to flourish
Encourage young people to realise their potential
Protect and Maximise quality green, open and public spaces
Promote and protect all forms of Royal Docks heritage and identities